Food Safety Scores

One Stop Halal Meat Ltd

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One Stop Halal Meat Ltd is a food establishment located in the city of Birmingham.

It has the category of Other Catering Premises.

One Stop Halal Meat Ltd was last inspected by Food Safety Officers from Birmingham Council on Tue 15 Sep 2020 and was awarded a Food Safety Score of AwaitingInspection.

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Food Hygiene Rating for One Stop Halal Meat Ltd

Food Score
Map of One Stop Halal Meat Ltd
Details of last Food Safety Inspection
Food hygiene rating: AwaitingInspection:
Date of Last Food Safety Inspection: 2020-09-15
Food Score
Food Business Type: Other Catering Premises

One Stop Halal Meat Ltd

155 Anderton Road, Birmingham, B11 1ND
Food Hygiene & Safety Procedures: Very Good (0)
0: High standard of compliance with legal requirements and Code of Practice
Structural Compliance: Very Good (0)
0: High standard of compliance with legal requirements and Code of Practice
Confidence in Management: Very Good (0)
0: Good record of compliance. Satisfactory documented Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point based Food Safety Management System.
Name of Local Authority responsible for Food Hygiene; Birmingham
Visit Birmingham Council's Website
Email Birmingham Council Food Safety Team
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