Food Safety Scores

Warm Hub Polegate Community Centre

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Warm Hub Polegate Community Centre is a food establishment located in the town of Polegate.

It has the category of Retailers - Other.

Warm Hub Polegate Community Centre was last inspected by Food Safety Officers from Wealden Council on Sat 1 Apr 2023 and was awarded a Food Safety Score of 5 (Very Good).

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Food Hygiene Rating for Warm Hub Polegate Community Centre

Five: Very Good

Food Score
Map of Warm Hub Polegate Community Centre
Details of last Food Safety Inspection
Food hygiene rating: 5: Very Good
Date of Last Food Safety Inspection: 2023-04-01
Food Score
Food Business Type: Retailers - Other

Warm Hub Polegate Community Centre

Community Centre, 54 Windsor Way, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6QF
Food Hygiene & Safety Procedures: Good (5)
5: High standard of compliance with legal Requirements and Industry Codes of Practice - Some minor contraventions / non-compliance
Structural Compliance: Good (5)
5: High standard of compliance with legal Requirements and Industry Codes of Practice - Some minor contraventions / non-compliance
Confidence in Management: Good (5)
5: Reasonable record of compliance. Satisfactory documented Food Safety Management System
Name of Local Authority responsible for Food Hygiene; Wealden
Visit Wealden Council's Website
Email Wealden Council Food Safety Team
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