The Chequers Inn is a pub. The Chequers Inn can be contacted by calling 01865 891118.
The Chequers Inn is a food establishment located in the of Berrick Salome.
It has the category of Restaurant - Cafe - Canteen.
The Chequers Inn was last inspected by Food Safety Officers from South Oxfordshire Council on Wed 22 May 2024 and was awarded a Food Safety Score of 3 (Generally Satisfactory).
Food hygiene rating: 3: Generally Satisfactory |
Date of Last Food Safety Inspection: 2024-05-22 |
Food Business Type: Restaurant - Cafe - Canteen |
The Chequers Inn |
Address: The Chequers Inn, Berrick Salome, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6JN |
Food Hygiene & Safety Procedures: Generally Satisfactory (10) |
10: Some non-compliance with legal requirements and Industry Codes of Practice. Premises in top 50%. Standards are being maintained or improved |
Structural Compliance: Good (5) |
5: High standard of compliance with legal Requirements and Industry Codes of Practice - Some minor contraventions / non-compliance |
Confidence in Management: Generally Satisfactory (10) |
10: Satisfactory record of compliance. May have satisfactory documented Food Safety Management System. |
Name of Local Authority responsible for Food Hygiene; South Oxfordshire |
Visit South Oxfordshire Council's Website |
Email South Oxfordshire Council Food Safety Team |
All Reviews will be moderated prior to approval.
1 | The Chequers Inn | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
The Chequers Inn, Berrick Salome, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6JN | |||
2 | The Home Sweet Home Inn | Distance (miles) | 0.55 |
Home Sweet Home Inn, Roke, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6JD | |||
3 | Fyfield Manor | Distance (miles) | 1.35 |
Fifield Manor, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6HA | |||
4 | Six Bells | Distance (miles) | 1.36 |
16 The Green South, Warborough, WALLINGFORD, OX10 7DN | |||
5 | Aisha Stores | Distance (miles) | 1.47 |
135 Thame Road, Warborough, WALLINGFORD, OX10 7DD | |||
6 | Co-operative Group | Distance (miles) | 1.49 |
24 High Street, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6RP | |||
7 | The Crown Inn | Distance (miles) | 1.49 |
52 High Street, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6RP | |||
8 | Spice Garden | Distance (miles) | 1.49 |
39 High Street, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6RP | |||
9 | No. 25 Benson Ltd | Distance (miles) | 1.49 |
25 High Street, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6RP | |||
10 | Benson Village Butcher | Distance (miles) | 1.49 |
42 High Street, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6RP | |||
11 | The Village Plaice | Distance (miles) | 1.49 |
The Village Plaice, 35 High Street, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6RP | |||
12 | Benson Millstream Centre | Distance (miles) | 1.51 |
Mill Stream, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6RL | |||
13 | Junior Adventures Group Benson C Of E Primary School | Distance (miles) | 1.52 |
Junior Adventures Group, Benson C of E Primary School, Oxford Road, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6LX | |||
14 | MCDONALDS RESTAURANTS LTD | Distance (miles) | 1.52 |
Oxford Road, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6LX | |||
15 | The Three Horseshoes | Distance (miles) | 1.52 |
2 Oxford Road, Benson, WALLINGFORD, OX10 6LX |