Howletts Elephant Cafe is a food establishment located near the of .
It has the category of Takeaway - Sandwich Shop.
Howletts Elephant Cafe was last inspected by Food Safety Officers from Canterbury City Council on Tue 16 Apr 2019 and was awarded a Food Safety Score of 5 (Very Good).
Food hygiene rating: 5: Very Good |
Date of Last Food Safety Inspection: 2019-04-16 |
Food Business Type: Takeaway - Sandwich Shop |
Howletts Elephant Cafe |
Address: Howletts Zoo, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL |
Food Hygiene & Safety Procedures: Very Good (0) |
0: High standard of compliance with legal requirements and Code of Practice |
Structural Compliance: Very Good (0) |
0: High standard of compliance with legal requirements and Code of Practice |
Confidence in Management: Very Good (0) |
0: Good record of compliance. Satisfactory documented Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point based Food Safety Management System. |
Name of Local Authority responsible for Food Hygiene; Canterbury City |
Visit Canterbury City Council's Website |
Email Canterbury City Council Food Safety Team |
All Reviews will be moderated prior to approval.
1 | Howletts Elephant Cafe | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Howletts Zoo, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL | |||
2 | Howletts Sweet Shack | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Howletts Zoo, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL | |||
3 | Howletts Rufflans Kiosk | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Howletts Zoo, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL | |||
4 | Howletts Wolves Kiosk | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Howletts Zoo, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL | |||
5 | Howletts Gift Shop Main Entrance | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Howletts Zoo, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL | |||
6 | Howletts Jurassic Gift Shop | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Howletts Zoo, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL | |||
7 | Howletts Deer Park Cafe | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Howletts Zoo, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL | |||
8 | Howletts Pavillion | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Howletts Zoo, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL | |||
9 | The Barn | Distance (miles) | 0.32 |
Woolton Farm, Bekesbourne Lane, East Of Bekesbourne Hill, Bekesbourne, CT4 5EA | |||
10 | Tayberry Foods Ltd | Distance (miles) | 0.32 |
Unit 22, Woolton Farm, Bekesbourne Lane, Bekesbourne, CT4 5EA | |||
11 | Howletts Wild Animal Park | Distance (miles) | 0.45 |
Bekesbourne Lane, East Of Bekesbourne Hill, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EL | |||
12 | Turners Game Market Mobile And Retail Counter | Distance (miles) | 0.53 |
Well Court Farm Barn, Bekesbourne Lane, Littlebourne, Canterbury, CT3 1XE | |||
13 | Bekesbourne Village Hall | Distance (miles) | 0.61 |
Station Road, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5EP | |||
14 | Evenhill House | Distance (miles) | 0.78 |
62 The Hill, Littlebourne, Canterbury, Kent, CT3 1TA | |||
15 | The Evenhill | Distance (miles) | 0.78 |
62 The Hill, Littlebourne, Canterbury, CT3 1TA |