Food Safety Scores

Macfie Sunday Cafe


Macfie Sunday Cafe is a food establishment located near the of .

It has the category of Restaurant - Cafe - Canteen.

Macfie Sunday Cafe was last inspected by Food Safety Officers from Scottish Borders Council on Wed 22 May 2019 and was awarded a Food Safety Score of Pass.


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Food Hygiene Rating for Macfie Sunday Cafe

Food Score
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Details of last Food Safety Inspection
Food hygiene rating: Pass:
Date of Last Food Safety Inspection: 2019-05-22
Food Score
Food Business Type: Restaurant - Cafe - Canteen

Macfie Sunday Cafe

Macfie Hall Heriot Scottish Borders, EH38 5YE
Food Hygiene & Safety Procedures: Very Good (0)
0: High standard of compliance with legal requirements and Code of Practice
Structural Compliance: Very Good (0)
0: High standard of compliance with legal requirements and Code of Practice
Confidence in Management: Very Good (0)
0: Good record of compliance. Satisfactory documented Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point based Food Safety Management System.
Name of Local Authority responsible for Food Hygiene; Scottish Borders
Visit Scottish Borders Council's Website
Email Scottish Borders Council Food Safety Team
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