Barbon Inn is a pub.
Barbon Inn is a food establishment located in the village of Barbon.
It has the category of Pub - Bar - Nightclub.
Barbon Inn was last inspected by Food Safety Officers from South Lakeland Council on Thu 25 Apr 2024 and was awarded a Food Safety Score of 3 (Generally Satisfactory).
Food hygiene rating: 3: Generally Satisfactory |
Date of Last Food Safety Inspection: 2024-04-25 |
Food Business Type: Pub - Bar - Nightclub |
Barbon Inn |
Address: Barbon, Carnforth, LA6 2LJ |
Food Hygiene & Safety Procedures: Generally Satisfactory (10) |
10: Some non-compliance with legal requirements and Industry Codes of Practice. Premises in top 50%. Standards are being maintained or improved |
Structural Compliance: Generally Satisfactory (10) |
10: Some non-compliance with legal requirements and Industry Codes of Practice. Premises in top 50%. Standards are being maintained or improved |
Confidence in Management: Generally Satisfactory (10) |
10: Satisfactory record of compliance. May have satisfactory documented Food Safety Management System. |
Name of Local Authority responsible for Food Hygiene; South Lakeland |
Visit South Lakeland Council's Website |
Email South Lakeland Council Food Safety Team |
All Reviews will be moderated prior to approval.
1 | Barbon Inn | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Barbon, Carnforth, LA6 2LJ | |||
2 | Kirkby Lonsdale Golf Club | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Kirkby Lonsdale Golf Club, Scaleber Lane, Barbon, LA6 2LJ | |||
3 | Churchmouse at Barbon and Barbon Stores | Distance (miles) | 0.04 |
Barbon, Carnforth, LA6 2LL | |||
4 | Borwens | Distance (miles) | 0.70 |
Borwens, Middleton, Carnforth, LA6 2LU | |||
5 | Hog Roast | Distance (miles) | 1.56 |
Mansergh Hall Farm, Mansergh, Carnforth, LA6 2EN | |||
6 | Love Ewe Dairy | Distance (miles) | 1.56 |
Mansergh Hall Farm, Mansergh, Carnforth, LA6 2EN | |||
7 | Holly Trees | Distance (miles) | 1.67 |
Holly Tree Cottage,, Underley Gardens, Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 2DZ | |||
8 | The Cottage | Distance (miles) | 1.67 |
Underley Garden School, Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 2DZ | |||
9 | Rose Tree | Distance (miles) | 1.68 |
Fir Tree Cottage, Underley Garden School, Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 2DZ | |||
10 | Underley Garden School | Distance (miles) | 1.68 |
Underley Hall School, Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 2HE | |||
11 | Casterton School | Distance (miles) | 1.70 |
Casterton School, Casterton, Carnforth, LA6 2SG | |||
12 | The Mulberry Bush Nursery | Distance (miles) | 1.70 |
The Mulberry Bush Nursery, Casterton, Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 2SG | |||
13 | The Pheasant Inn | Distance (miles) | 1.83 |
The Pheasant Inn, Casterton, Carnforth, LA6 2RX | |||
14 | Casterton Golf Course Ltd | Distance (miles) | 1.99 |
Sedbergh Road, Casterton, LA6 2LA | |||
15 | Ullathorns Farm | Distance (miles) | 2.17 |
Middleton, Carnforth, LA6 2LZ |