Abbot Park Tearoom is a food establishment located near the of .
It has the category of Restaurant - Cafe - Canteen.
Abbot Park Tearoom was last inspected by Food Safety Officers from South Lakeland Council on Thu 20 Jun 2024 and was awarded a Food Safety Score of 5 (Very Good).
Food hygiene rating: 5: Very Good |
Date of Last Food Safety Inspection: 2024-06-20 |
Food Business Type: Restaurant - Cafe - Canteen |
Abbot Park Tearoom |
Address: Abbot Park Farm, Bandrake Head, Ulverston, LA12 8HW |
Food Hygiene & Safety Procedures: Very Good (0) |
0: High standard of compliance with legal requirements and Code of Practice |
Structural Compliance: Good (5) |
5: High standard of compliance with legal Requirements and Industry Codes of Practice - Some minor contraventions / non-compliance |
Confidence in Management: Good (5) |
5: Reasonable record of compliance. Satisfactory documented Food Safety Management System |
Name of Local Authority responsible for Food Hygiene; South Lakeland |
Visit South Lakeland Council's Website |
Email South Lakeland Council Food Safety Team |
All Reviews will be moderated prior to approval.
1 | Abbot Park Tearoom | Distance (miles) | 0.00 |
Abbot Park Farm, Bandrake Head, Ulverston, LA12 8HW | |||
2 | The Manor (Oxen Park) Ltd | Distance (miles) | 0.61 |
Manor House Hotel, Oxen Park, Ulverston, LA12 8HG | |||
3 | The Red Lion | Distance (miles) | 1.57 |
Red Lion Hotel, Lowick Bridge, Ulverston, LA12 8EF | |||
4 | Old Hall Farm Cafe | Distance (miles) | 1.74 |
Old Hall Farm, Bouth, Ulverston, LA12 8JA | |||
5 | Water Park Adventure Centre | Distance (miles) | 1.83 |
Nibthwaite, Ulverston, LA12 8DQ | |||
6 | White Hart Inn | Distance (miles) | 1.84 |
White Hart Inn, Bouth, Ulverston, LA12 8JB | |||
7 | Pomona B&B | Distance (miles) | 1.96 |
Pamona, Lowick Green, Ulverston, LA12 8DX | |||
8 | The Royal Oak | Distance (miles) | 2.01 |
Royal Oak Inn, Spark Bridge, Ulverston, LA12 8BS | |||
9 | Black Beck Holiday Park | Distance (miles) | 2.02 |
Black Beck Holiday Park, Bouth, Ulverston, LA12 8JN | |||
10 | Farmers Arms | Distance (miles) | 2.08 |
Farmers Arms, Lowick Green, Ulverston, LA12 8DT | |||
11 | Lowick Community Hall | Distance (miles) | 2.12 |
Lowick Community Hall, Lowick Bridge, Ulverston, LA12 8ED | |||
12 | River Deep Mountain High | Distance (miles) | 2.16 |
River Deep Mountain High, Lowick Green, Ulverston, LA12 8EB | |||
13 | M E Saunders & Sons Ltd | Distance (miles) | 2.56 |
Ashes Farm, Spark Bridge, Ulverston, LA12 7SU | |||
14 | The Lakeland Pudding Company Ltd | Distance (miles) | 2.61 |
Rusland Pool Hotel, Haverthwaite, Ulverston, LA12 8AA | |||
15 | Rusland Pool Hotel | Distance (miles) | 2.61 |
Rusland Pool Hotel, Haverthwaite, Ulverston, LA12 8AA |